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Gallery 256:       Green with Gloves
I got a new pair of goalie gloves which look amaizing. So smooth and soft, no velcro strap or thick cuff and no protectors. For this gallery I simply collected everything white or green that was lying around and took pictures. It's just green and has gloves :-)

Well, every time I checked the results on the camera screen, I forgot to put the gloves back on again. So actually not all pictures have gloves.

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Costume: white Zentai [FestFash], green faceless Zentai [Ervy], shirt [Adidas], shorts [Puma], gloves [Nike], Shoes [Adidas]
Camera: Nikon D300. Radio trigger for camera + flash.
Lens: Sigma 10-20mm
Lighting: Flash hart with green gel from left, Flash hart white from right

© all pictures are copyright by LLB - all rights reserved! ©
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