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Gallery 250:       Sphere
I don't know what to write... things are changing so fast while the world is or going to be on lockdown.

This is gallery 250! It is showing my new LatexCatfish suit made from 0.2mm latex, custom made, with attached toe-socks. Furthermore I got a latex blow-up ball mask which is amazing. The suit fit very well but not perfect. Still much better than the 0.6mm suit I got before. The thinner latex is much more stretchable and can conceal small misfittings. The toe-socks are nice and comfy to wear. Just the toes are getting cold ofter some time. The mask is not comfortable to wear but looks fantastic. Breathing is quite limited through the inner tubes and its quite important to avoid some position where these inner tubes can get bend or even snapped off. Luckily its easy to get the mask off fast. It can just pulled off upward or by pushing with both hands from the sides and force the inner mask to get inside out and free the head. I wish I had it ordered without the zipper. The zip disrupt the nice ball shape and is not necessary to put it on of off. Hearing is dull and very damped. Visibility is blocked. Not able to see anything was the hardest handicap for me taking pictures.

Post-production was extremly time-consuming. I tried to max out the small differences at the tones to show how close the thin latex is sucked on the skin. Showing all the small details of muscles and body shapes. That worked well. By manipulate the tonal values / curves I unfortunately intensified the visibility small particles like dust and dirt. And on a slick surface covered with sticky oil, there will be lot of these particles... So I spend days of retouching at least the most annoying stuff on every single image. Not on every picture with the same thoroughness but still the differences compared to the un-touched images are frightening. You cannot tell the difference at first climpse, but images just looked imperfect. Still, that was a heck of work.

The images of this gallery were taken about mid of January. Long time before Corona (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) was pandemic. Today it would pass as a hazard suit :-) But that was not my intenion. We will see what will happen in the next days and weeks. Maybe I will have a lot of time to do more galleries soon... I hope not.

Meanwhile, enjoy the anniversary Gallery 250 "Sphere"!
Stay healthy! Best wishes to all!

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Costume: Latex 0.2mm Catsuit [LatexCatfish], Blow-up mask [LatexCatfish], Gloves [NA]
Camera: Nikon D300. Radio trigger for camera + flash.
Lens: Sigma 10-20mm
Lighting: Big strip-light softbox from front right, big softbox from left

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